Thursday, March 16, 2017

Understanding OT Theory

It is important to understand OT theory because is guides what we do and how we do things. Theory helps us justify treatment strategies and look at our clients holistically. The Model of Practice (MoP) is much like a toolbox, and the Frame of Reference (FoR) is like the tools within the toolbox. The MoP provides an overall view of the profession and is organized around the philosophy of occupational therapy. The FoR is how you move the client forward in the recovery/rehab process and provides therapists with methods and guidelines for intervention. The Person-Environment-Occupation Model (PEO) is one of many theories that helps OT practitioners to look at the client holistically. The PEO relates occupation and environment to a person's interests, goals, and skills to lead to their best participation and health. The PEO Model helps us to look at clients holistically and to see all of the factors (occupation, environment, personal traits) that influence who they are.