Monday, April 3, 2017

OT 537 Daily Challenge #1

In Beatriz Abreu's ECS lecture she discusses the importance of empathy and six positive interactions with clients. She wanted to help clients with brain injuries to find balance and live fuller lives. Her first positive interaction was sharing resilience stories for motivation and inspiration. In sharing these stories, she found that clients were more motivated and hopeful. She found that a willingness to enter into the other person's emotional state and perspective is important. Each person's circumstance is unique, so it is important to understand things from their perspective. She stated that brain injuries can cause someone to become more aggressive or caring, and it is important to regulate your own interpersonal interactions. She participated in many studies that helped personalize some of the situations her clients with brain injuries would face. I feel that participating in studies related to some of the clients we may see is important because it gives us perspective and insight into their lives. She believes it is important to be able to read a client's actions and language patterns and variations. She focused on three modifiers, person, environment, and therapist, to better communicate with and understand the client. Abreu and Aimee Mullins both believe that promoting a person's hope and strength is important. In Mullins TED talk she shares a story of how her therapist's positive comments  at a young age shaped her attitude as an adult. Abreu states that teaching and using reflection and self-regulation is another positive interaction. Focusing on planning occupations and capacities with the client is important. Her final positive interaction is using creativity and imagination in therapy because occupational therapy is an art and a science. Abreu's main point was that positive empathetic interactions are very important in promoting healthier and fuller lives in clients.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren, I love that you linked these two things together! You are an excellent writer, and I look forward to reading more of your writing.
