Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Post-Group Facilitation Reflection: Professionalism OT 532

Group Title: Getting Motivated
Date: 2/12/18

Leadership Evaluation
Written Group Plan: 10
Introduction: 9
Activity: 8
Sharing: 8
Processing: 7
Generalizing: 8
Group Motivation: 9
Limit setting: 10
Application: 8
Summary: 7
Total Leadership Score: 84

This group session was facilitated by me and two other classmates. Our topic was getting motivated and we started by having the group members discuss their favorite motivational movies as an icebreaker. Then we went in to the main activity, which was having the group members identify a problem/challenge they have in their life and write a goal based on that. We had group member think about and discuss actions and behaviors that could limit motivation in their problem area, what motivates them (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation), and strategies to stay motivated to achieve their goal. For me the most significant aspect was getting to facilitate a group session for the first time. I think this was a good learning experience in helping me realize what some of my strengths and weaknesses are as a group leader. I think some of my strengths were listening and paying attention to what each group member had to say, having everything organized before the group session started, and communicating expectations clearly. Having experience leading a group session I now will work on areas I feel I can improve upon as a group facilitator. In the next group session I facilitate I want to  generalize and apply what happened in the session more effectively. I also want to work on sharing and processing by pointing out similarities in group member responses and providing more prompts and questions to stimulate the discussion.

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